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Core Connections with Erica Ziel

Aug 29, 2018

This is a conversation that I have been wanting to have with you for a long time. Lately, I have been reminding myself about this journey of life that we are all on and how it relates to the way our mind works and how we move forward on our path.

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Main Points From This...

Aug 21, 2018

In this episode, I let you in on how you can work to decrease your back pain through daily habits that you may not know you are doing. Spoiler Alert: surgery is NOT the answer. On top of what I teach you in this episode, I give you the tools in my Core Rehab Program where you will work to apply these principles to your...

Aug 7, 2018

This episode comes from a recent statistic that I found on the American Holistic Health Association's website. According to the AHHA, only 20% of our health is hereditary. According to this study, we have 80% control of our health -- science says so!! After doing my own research and self-discovery, I actually believe...