Jun 28, 2022
Every postpartum woman that I've trained starts in the same place.
Whether it was a vaginal delivery or a C-section, there was still weight and pressure from carrying your baby pushing down on your pelvic floor.
Ladies, it is never too late to heal your body. When you become fascially connected you create the space to...
Jun 21, 2022
Do you want to ERADICATE parasites to restore your immune system and HEAL your body?
If so, you're in the right place because today I'm joined by the wonderful Sara Pagel who is the founder of her holistic health coaching practice, Thin Line Consulting!
Like so many Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioners,...
Jun 14, 2022
Do you incorporate squats throughout your day?
If your answer is no, then I need you to understand something: squats are a part of our everyday life so they need to be done effectively!
In this episode, you’ll hear my tips on how to improve your squat form and how to incorporate this foundational movement throughout...
Jun 7, 2022
I’m often asked what supplements I recommend, how I nourish my body, what to take to heal a symptom, and more.
That's why I decided to record a conversation around magnesium!
My hope is that you'll learn how it's never too late to work on your health, improve the way you feel, and get back to doing the things in life...