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Core Connections with Erica Ziel

Feb 22, 2022

Have you explored the world of pelvic floor support yet?


You'd be surprised how many women at any stage can work to prevent various degrees of pelvic floor dysfunction... and that's exactly what we're going to chat about today!


My guest is Whitney Sippl, a pelvic floor physical therapist who is the founder of 

Feb 15, 2022

Ever wonder how toxic our environment and the food we eat can be?

If so, you're going to want to tune into this conversation with Eileen Dufree!

Today's episode welcomes an amazing woman, Eileen Durfee, a former nuclear power plant engineer turned inventor and businesswoman whose journey to overcome her own health...

Feb 8, 2022

Have you ever dealt with pain in your body?

I’ve been there, and it’s not fun.

In fact, I'm seeing pain happen to girls that are my daughter's age... and it reminded me of you.

>>Seeing teenagers experience pain reminded me that as women, we are taught habits that lead to pain and dysfunction as we get older... but...

Feb 1, 2022

The key to getting your baby to sleep lies within this episode... Intrigued yet?

It's true! My guest, Eva Kline, is a lawyer turned baby sleep consultant who helps parents get their little ones sleeping so they can feel rested, refreshed, and enjoy parenthood to its fullest!

In this episode, you’ll hear us talk...