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Core Connections with Erica Ziel

Feb 28, 2023

If you've ever wanted a behind the scenes glimpse into what it's like to go gluten-free... then, ladies, this is the episode for you. You’ll want to click play ASAP to hear Dr. Vincent Pedre’s gluten-free guidance as he’s been healing guts since 2004 - he shares how giving up gluten can open the door to new...

Feb 21, 2023

Ladies, have you ever taken a step back to ask yourself this question:

Why am I experiencing SI joint pain?

If so, you're not alone. In fact, I was asked this exact question during a recent group coaching call inside Core Rehab.

She was frustrated and felt hopeless – she told me, "I have pain in my low back. I'm...

Feb 14, 2023

Have you ever had that gut feeling that something is off with your health? Or maybe you do know that your symptoms are trying to tell you something, but you don't know what? You've been to all of the doctors, but they still don't have the answers that you're looking for?


If so, you need to click play right now on this...

Feb 7, 2023

Have you ever thought about improving your bone health so you can live an active life as you age? You’re going to start thinking about it after this conversation with Kevin Ellis – today we’re talking about osteopenia, osteoporosis, and overall bone health. (I mean, we cover it ALL: everything from bone loss...